Paper Submission


Submissions to FG 2025 should have no substantial overlap with any other paper already submitted or published, or to be submitted during the FG 2025 review period. All persons who have made any substantial contribution to the work should be listed as authors, and all listed authors should have made some substantial contribution to the work. All authors should be aware that the paper is submitted to FG 2025.

Topics of Interest Include, but are not limited to:

      • Action recognition,
      • Body motion analysis and synthesis
      • Gesture recognition, analysis and synthesis,
      • Face recognition, analysis and synthesis,
      • Psychological and behavioral analysis,

The submissions are open and you can submit your paper through the CMT System:

Two-round submission

FG 2025 will use a two-round reviewing procedure. New papers can be submitted in either the first or the second round. The primary benefit of submitting in Round 1 is that submissions can be invited for resubmission to Round 2, enabling authors to address reviewer concerns and significantly improve their work.

 Round 1

      • Notifications to authors: 13 December 2024
      • Paper submission: 23 September 2024, 11:59 PST 30 September 2024, 11:59 pm PST (Extended)
  • Round 2
      • Paper submission: January, 25th, 2025, 11:59pm PST January 31st, 2025, 11:59pm PST
      • Notifications to authors: April 4th, 2025

Paper format and submission

Format. FG 2025 will consider two different paper types, i.e., Short and Long Papers. Authors should carefully consider the category before submitting a paper.

The main difference between the two is in the size of contributions and not in their importance or technical quality. In other words, a long paper is expected to have a greater contribution than a short paper. More specifically:

Long papers (8 pages excluding references) should present original reports of substantive new research techniques, findings, and applications. They should place the work within the field and clearly indicate innovative aspects. Research procedures and technical methods should be presented in sufficient detail to ensure scrutiny and reproducibility. Results should be clearly communicated and implications of the contributions/findings for FG and beyond should be explicitly discussed.

Short papers (4 pages + 1 page for references) should present original and highly promising research or applications. Merit will be assessed in terms of originality, importance, and technical quality more so than scope and maturity of the work.

Please note that both long and short papers will undergo the same review process. Rejected long papers will NOT be considered for acceptance as short papers, except for rare cases when reviewers unanimously make this recommendation. Both long and short papers can be accepted for oral or poster presentation.

Submissions have to be in pdf format and are limited to a 10MB file size for both categories. Supplementary material (images, video, etc.) may optionally be submitted with papers, but be sure to maintain anonymity, including the file properties or other hidden text. The entire submission (paper + supplemental material) has a file size limit of 100MB. The supplemental materials will not be part of the conference proceedings, so they are only there to aid the reviewing process. Reviewers are not required to view the supplemental material (though most reviewers are likely to do so), so any information critical to understanding the work should be in the main paper. All supplementary material must be self-contained and zipped into a single file. Note that reviewers will be encouraged to look at it, but are not obligated to do so.

FG 2025 will be using IEEE PDF eXpress for enforcing the requirements for papers to appear in IEEE Xplore. The final versions of all papers accepted for publication must adhere to IEEE Xplore PDF specifications.

Ethical Impact Statement (Required for all submissions)

In the past few years, we have seen increasing deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in various societies, which has had real-world impacts on the daily lives of millions of individuals around the world. The scalability of these tools brings the potential for both great benefits and great harms to individuals and groups. Our research community is acutely aware of the possibility that the technologies that we develop and study may be abused, misused, or misunderstood to create harm that we did not foresee or intend. FG 2020/2021 invited papers on the topic of regulation and social impact, and both FG 2023 and FG 2024 invited papers on the topic of privacy and ethical issues; this latter topic was also the conference theme of FG 2023.

This year, at FG 2025, we will be introducing a new requirement that authors submit an Ethical Impact Statement as part of the submission process. (Note that this requirement applies to all short and long papers submitted to the main track. Each special track may have its own rules.) To support authors in meeting this requirement, as well as reviewers in assessing it, we have prepared this document with general guidelines, a checklist for authors and reviewers to complete, and answers to some frequently asked questions. As this is a new policy, we welcome questions and feedback as we refine it and develop a shared understanding.

FG 2025 Ethical Impact Statement Guidelines

Paper templates are available here:

Submissions steps

    1. Prepare your manuscripts as per the IEEE specifications using the latex or Word templates for both Long and Short Papers
    2. Carefully proofread your submission
    3. Submit to the FG 2025 CMT system:

NOTE: List all authors during initial submission. Modifying the author list after the review process is not allowed.

Papers presented at FG 2025 will be sent for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore digital library, including workshop papers. If a paper is accepted, it is assumed that an author will register and attend the conference to present the paper. Papers that are not presented will not be published in IEEE Xplore.

Awards and TBIOM Special Issue

Several awards will be given out to the best papers from FG 2025, including (1) the best paper award, (2) the best student paper award, and (3) the test-of-time awards. The awards will consist of a commemorative plaque as well as award money.

A selection of best reviewed papers from FG 2025 will be invited to contribute to a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior and Identity Science (IEEE TBIOM).

ARXIV Policy

FG 2025 does not consider a paper on as a dual submission.

Anonymization policy

Authors should remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper. There should also be no acknowledgments. Authors can leave citations to their previous work unanonymized so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account. However, they should cite their own work in the third person (e.g., “[22] found that…”)